Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are said to be the most common disease in the urinary system. Kidney stones are stubborn and tend to reoccur. Medically, kidney stones are called nephrolithiasis, renal calculi, and urolithiasis. The reason behind the formation of stones is the accumulation of salts and minerals within the kidneys. Usually, kidney stones are bearable, but a stone’s weight over 5 milligrams can spike unbearable pain. Blood loss via urine is a common sight for kidney stones patients. In Ayurveda, kidney stones are categorized based on their color, cause, and symptoms as Vatashmari, Pittashamari, Kaphashamri, and Shukrashamri. According to Ayurveda – The drying of Kapha Dosha and an abrupt balance in Vata causes kidney stones. The balance can be restored by drinking the right amount of water in order to hydrate Kapha.