Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorder is a normal emotional imbalance that leads to alerting and assuming potential dangers that do not even exist in real life. Feeling anxious sometimes is normal human behavior; for example, you may be getting your nerves about the problem at work, during bathing, or before making any critical decision. But, a person battling anxiety disorder is tangled in a web of thoughts that are constant, irrational, and has no end. Anxiety disorder is a nexus of mental illness that causes repetitive anxiety and fear.

Anxiety disorder is a normal mental condition that can be cured with weekly mental counseling or routine medication, but if overlooked, then these thoughts can control every sphere of your life. In today’s monotonous life, where people don’t prioritize their health, mental problems are bound to happen. Anxiety disorder can be a result of more than one cause and condition.

If you’re also battling mental illness, then you’ve landed on the right page. You’ll learn about the problem, its symptoms, and how it can be cured with simple ayurvedic treatments.

A brief about anxiety disorder…

Many segments in an anxiety disorder are as follows-

Generalized anxiety disorder

You may feel a wave of unrealistic worries and thoughts that can’t come from anywhere in your mind. You may feel stressed and scared for no reason.

Panic disorder 

A sudden intense fear that may trigger panic attacks, with excessive sweating and intense heartbeat. In the worst cases, you may feel choking or having a heart attack.

Social anxiety disorder 

Social anxiety disorder is also termed as a social phobia when you feel self-conscious and overwhelming about everyday social encounters.

Specific phobias 

Your anxiety may be triggered by a specific object or situation, such as heights, flying, a person, or even a place.


This problem occurs when you’re having an extreme fear of a place where it seems hard to escape during emergencies like airplanes and lifts.

Separation anxiety 

Little kids are at higher risk of having this problem. But, this can happen to people of all ages; this can be triggered due to your past experiences of your relationship with your mother, friend, or anyone you loved and scared to get separated. During separation anxiety, you’ll feel very anxious or fearful when a person you’re close with leaves your sight. You’ll always worry and anxious that something terrible will happen to your loved ones.

Selective mutism 

Selective mutism is a tangled childhood anxiety disorder categorized as a child’s inability to communicate and speak confidently in selective social gatherings such as schools. These children can speak confidently and effectively in social settings where they are comfortable, feel relaxed, and secure.

What are the symptoms of an anxiety disorder? 

There are more than one symptom that you might experience during panic attacks that include the following-

  • Feeling weak and tired
  • Having excessive sweating
  • Insomnia
  • Having trouble concentrating
  • Avoiding things that trigger anxiety
  • Racing heartbeats
  • Feeling nervous, tense, or stressed all the time

If you feel more than one of the following symptoms, you might be having or beginning to have bad mental conditions. The conversation is the only solution to this problem. If you’re having suicidal thoughts, you need to undergo medical counseling to get back on track.

What are the causes of anxiety disorder?  

Having anxiety or a chain of intrusive thoughts indicates medical illness that can either be cured with routine mental counseling or routine medication. There are some people who face mental illness due to the underlying health issue that includes the following-

  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • Alcohol abuse
  • Misuse of drugs
  • Child abuse
  • Genetic imbalance of hormones
  • Withdrawal from alcohol
  • Rarely reported tumors that produce fight hormones

Sometimes anxiety can be a result of certain allopathic medication. However, it’s recommended to switch to Ayurveda if you wish to purge this problem from your life.

How can Ayurveda treat mental illness?

Ayurveda is a holistic way of treating mental illness. Indeed that Ayurveda is the best natural healing system, but there’s more than that you aren’t aware of. Ayurvedic medicines are undeniably good stress-relievers; these medicines are a precise blend of more than one natural herb that soothes your mind and untangle the tangled connection between your mind and body.

Ayurveda focuses on the internal purification of your mind, body, and soul that is done through the right diet, meditation, exercise, and nurturing of the right attitude. According to Ayurveda, your mind has a direct effect on your body, where freedom from sickness depends on self-love and self-awareness.

Ayurvedic herbs such as Medhya Rasayanas stimulate your intellect and nourish your neurological tissues to bring your mind back to its stable position. These herbs curb negative overthinking. Produces tranquility of mind and sharpens your memory.