Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the central nervous system, including your brain and spinal cord. In multiple sclerosis, the immune system starts to attack the protective layer, called myelin, around the nerve fibers and causes problems in the communication between the brain and the body. Eventually, the nervous system breaks down, resulting in permanent damage to the nerves.

Multiple sclerosis causes inflammation and prolonged lesions caused by the scarring of the tissues. These changes in the tissues make it hard for the brain to send signals to the other parts of the body.

Signs and symptoms may vary widely depending on the extent of nerve damage. Some people have symptoms ranging from mild to moderate, such as blurry vision and numbness in the limbs. After multiple sclerosis, a few may lose their ability to lead a normal life and do routine work, while others may achieve remission without any signs.

There is no cure for multiple sclerosis in allopathy, but ayurvedic medicines can help manage symptoms and recover from attacks.

Types of MS

There are four types of MS:

Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS): This form of MS is an occurrence of the symptoms that may last for 24 hours. If another time, symptoms develop later, the doctor calls it relapse-remitting MS.

Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS): This is a common form of MS influencing the lives of around 85% of people with MS. In RRMS, the symptoms may go on increasing or progressing, followed by periods of remission, during which symptoms may go completely or partially.

Primary progressive MS (PPMS): In PPMS, the symptoms may worsen rapidly, without relapses or remissions. More than 15% of people who have MS also experience PPMS.

Secondary progressive MS (SPMS): Initially, people will experience relapse or remission, but even though the condition may progress rapidly.


People with multiple sclerosis may experience a wide range of signs ranging from mild to moderate to severe ones. Symptoms become intense from time to time.

The common signs linked to multiple sclerosis may include:


According to the National Multiple Sceloris Society (NMSS), fatigue is the most common sign of multiple sclerosis. Feeling overtired, with low energy, and sleepiness can affect the normal course of life.

Difficulty walking

An individual with multiple sclerosis may find difficulty walking due to many reasons, such as numbness in the legs, feet, balancing, weak muscles, and spasticity.

Vision problems

Vision problem is the most apparent sign of multiple sclerosis. The effect can be on one or both eyes. Sightedness may become worst with time.

Speech issues

Abnormal changes in the tissues affect speech in patients with multiple sclerosis. Dysarthria, which is a speech issue, can go from mild to severe in many.


Tremor is common in people with MS and is often characterized by shaking movements in one or several parts of the body.

Bowel problems

Inability to empty your bowel can cause fecal impaction.

Lhermitte’s signs

Sensational or feeling electric shock when you move your neck indicates MS. It is called Lhermitte’s sign.


Problems related to the balance or off-balance. It is a common problem in people with MS.

Sexual dysfunction

Losing interest in sexual desire in both males and females.

Other common symptoms of MS include:

  • acute or chronic pain
  • tremors
  • cognitive issues involving concentration, memory, and word-finding
  • difficulty chewing and swallowing
  • sleep issues
  • problems with bladder control.

MS affects people differently. In many, it impacts their social and personal life, while for others, it may seem like a subtle sensation. Symptoms go and come or may worsen rapidly. In the advanced stages, people may experience poor concentration and feel intense sensitivity to heat.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you experience the signs of multiple sclerosis for unknown reasons.

Causes and risk factors

Scientists still don’t know what causes multiple sclerosis. Yet the common risk factors include:

  • Age: Most people experience it between the ages of 20 and 35 years.
  • Sex: MS affects women more than men.
  • Genetic factors: Genes contribute to the development of multiple sclerosis.
  • Smoking: Smoking results in damage to the tissues within the central nervous system.
  • Infections: Exposure to viruses, elevates a person’s risk of developing MS though the study still needs to confirm the fact.
  • Vitamin D deficiency: MS is prevalent among people who get little sun exposure.
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency: Vitamin B12 helps produce myelin, a covering that protects the tissue. Little consumption of the B12 vitamins may result in an increased risk of neurological disorders.

Several other risk factors include injury, accident, trauma, etc.


Your doctor will diagnose MS with the help of physical and neurological examinations after learning about the history of the patient’s medical history.

Several tests are used along the way, such as:

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: Using a dye with magnetic resonance imaging, active and inactive lesions in your brain and spinal cord are detected.

Optical coherence tomography (OCT). It is done to detect the nerve layers in the back portion of the eyes. If the optic nerves are thinned, it signifies damage.

Spinal tap (lumbar puncture). Any changes in our spinal fluid are detected with the help of a spinal top. The tests can help diagnose any infectious diseases or oligoclonal bands (OCBs).

Blood tests. Blood tests are done to configure other signs of MS.

VEP or visual evoked potential tests: The test is done to analyze electrical activity in your brain.

Ayurvedic treatment

There is no cure for Ms in allopathy, but ayurvedic medicines provide relief in slowing down the progression and reducing relapses’ severity. Ayurvedic medicines have therapies that improve brain and spinal cord functioning. The treatment focuses on the elimination of toxins and restoring digestion fire with herbs and spices only. The detoxification of the body keeps the doshas from vitiating and eliminates the risk of various conditions, including multiple sclerosis.

In addition to this, herbal medicines also rejuvenate the function of the nervous system to prevent MS from flaring up.