Jaundice is a medical condition defined by yellowing on the body, especially skin and the eyes. It’s a symptom of several underlying health issues but not a disease in itself. The disease forms when there is a high amount of bilirubin in your system. Bilburin is a yellow pigment that is created due to the breakdown of red blood cells in your liver. Newborn babies often develop this problem, but adults can also develop it.

So, jaundice may indicate any serious problem related to the function of red blood cells, liver, gallbladder, or pancreas.

What body signs jaundice cause? 

People with jaundice may experience many symptoms such as

Dark-colored urine



Skin Itchiness

Rectal Bleeding

Fever with chills

Abdominal pain

Swelling in legs

One may experience some other body symptoms related to kidney problems.

Risk factors for jaundice in adults

The risk factors for developing jaundice vary as per the underlying causes.

People with hereditary problems (thalassemia or spherocytosis) are more likely to develop jaundice from hemolysis.

People who intake alcohol heavily on a regular basis have higher chances of developing alcoholic hepatitis, pancreatitis, and cirrhosis, resulting in jaundice.

People at a higher risk of exposure to different types of viral hepatitis are more prone to get jaundice.

People at certain medications such as penicillin, acetaminophen, steroids, and birth control pills may also get this liver disease.

Apart from these factors, some other factors are also responsible for developing jaundice. Those are drug injections of other substances, tattooing, taking raw shellfish, being a part of high-risk sexual activity, and many more.

How can it be diagnosed? 

In order to diagnose jaundice, a bilirubin test is generally ordered. The test measures the amount of substances in your blood, a complete blood count, and some other liver problems. Above all, in jaundice, your bilirubin level will be higher than normal condition.

The doctor will also look at the symptom and medical history of a patient. Additionally, your doctor also looks at your other body symptoms and medical history. Moreover, he may also order some tests to determine your liver condition.

Treatment for Jaundice 

Jaundice treatment depends on its underlying causes as it’s not a disease in itself. In simple words, treating the causes of jaundice instead of symptoms would help get rid of this problem.

In the case of acute viral hepatitis, this problem gets disappeared on its own as the body heals itself. When a blocked bile duct is the reason behind jaundice, your doctor may use surgery to open it. Since modern healing takes the help of some drugs or chemically composed medicines and surgery, there are many side-effects of conventional treatment for jaundice. So, one should aim to search for a risk-free and permanent cure; therefore, Ayurveda can prove a safe cure for jaundice.

Instead of modern healing science, Ayurveda can offer a better cure for jaundice. This natural cure has a core tendency of targeting the root causes of a problem to provide a permanent cure. In jaundice, this treatment follows its same healing methodology where it works on the underlying causes of this problem. Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice eradicates the complications associated with this problem and revives the liver to work well. Natural herbs, some ancient remedial therapies, changes in diet, and other day-to-day habits work wonders in jaundice treatment, and therefore, it provides a natural and permanent cure.

In order to acquire the best Ayurvedic treatment for jaundice, contact an eminent Ayurvedic hospital like Dr. Karma.