Pyorrhea- It’s symptoms, causes, and Ayurvedic treatment 

Do you have healthy gums? If not, your body is exposed to certain disease-causing bacteria, infections, and viruses, making you vulnerable to having some chronic illnesses. Oral health indicates your overall health. Having a good gum acts as a layer of bacteria and food debris that can go into the deeper parts of your teeth and cause problems like tooth decay, destruction of tissues supporting your teeth, and bad breath.

But some dental problems like pyorrhea are a severe dental problem that is most commonly reported in Indian millennials ages between 18 – 35 years.

The term pyorrhea originated from a gree word discharge of pus. Pyorrhea is termed periodontitis, which is a multifactorial disease that affects oral gums and the bone. It also affects the periodontium; an organ made up of the gingiva that holds up the teeth, bone, and ligament.

This dental problem is known by many names like periodontal disease, gingivitis, but it is most commonly spelled as periodontists. This situation, if left untreated, can lead to a loss of teeth at a very early age.


What are the symptoms of pyorrhea? 

There are no visible signs or symptoms of pyorrhea at the initial stages. In many people, this disease progresses significantly before they seek any medical attention. However, there are some common symptoms of pyorrhea that you may have if you’re afflicted with it include the following-

  • Bad breath
  • Having redness of bleeding gums while brushing or when you bite hard foods such as apples.
  • Gum problems that wave back frequently even after having professional cleaning/ scaling
  • Loss of teeth
  • Having visible lengthening of teeth
  • Having a large gap between the teeth


When to see a doctor?

It’s Important to consult the doctor if you constantly feel any of the symptoms as mentioned earlier in your health. This disease is preventable if detected early but can also worsen over time if not treated with the right medications. Also, don’t remark the above symptoms as your call for action; it’s advised to take good care of your health and consult the best and reliable Ayurvedic specialist if you feel any symptoms in your health.


What causes pyorrhea?

Poor oral hygiene is the single primary factor of pyorrhea, leading to excessive bacterial growth in your mouth. Other factors which contribute to developing pyorrhea are-

  • Diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Excessive consumption of sugar
  • Excessive intake of refined carbohydrates
  • Other systemic illness
  • Plague, which is the initial stage of pyorrhea, causes inflammation and irritation of the gum around the base of the teeth.

How can you prevent pyorrhea? 

This section holds in some important takeaways which are mandatory to be followed to steer clear of your way from pyorrhea includes the following-

  • Brush regularly with lukewarm water
  • Have regular dentist visit for say after every 6 months to diagnose any early threat of gum problems
  • Avoid refined carbohydrates
  • Scaling- To remove trapped food between the teeth to prevent bacterial growth in your mouth.


What are the complications of pyorrhea on your body?

If not treated in time, pyorrhea can result in bacteremia ( a condition in which a bacteria gets into the bloodstream), especially while brushing and chewing foods. There are several examples that indicates that pyorrhea can turn serious by increasing your risk of having-

  • A brain stroke can occur due to atherosclerosis
  • Cancer and erectile dysfunction
  • If it occurs in 60 years of age can lead to loss of memory, depression, and other brain disorder
  • Heart attack as the bacteria inside the blood can lead to blood clots in your blood vessels


Ayurvedic treatment for pyorrhea

The Ayurvedic treatment for pyorrhea is formulated from the extract of several powerful herbs, which are best known for their fantastic healing abilities that work on the affected area and foster natural healing. The medicines are 100% effective and safe as they are entirely natural and don’t have any side effects on the body. Ayurvedic medicines help your body get rid of disease-causing bacteria, infection, and viruses that can compromise your immune system and make you vulnerable to serious health conditions, such as pyorrhea. The Ayurvedic medicines are precisely prepared under the supervision of skilled Ayurvedic practitioners who are well-informed about every herb and its healing ability.