High Cholesterol

What is high cholesterol – It’s symptoms, Causes & Ayurvedic treatment

Having cholesterol in your body itself doesn’t cause any harm to your body. In fact, your body needs cholesterol for the production of healthy cells which is important for the optimal functioning of your body. But, everything in excess is dangerous and the same applies to our body. Having a high cholesterol level can open a portal of many chronic health problems like- stroke, heart attack, high blood pressure, chronic kidney failure, peripheral vascular disease, and angina.

Obesity is considered the primary cause of high cholesterol levels, so it’s always important to be apprehensive about your diet. Obesity can increase your cholesterol level to a danger mark which mostly occurs due to unhealthy eating, lack of physical activity, and stress which can also be life-threatening.

The prevalence of high cholesterol in urban areas is around 25-30%, whereas the ratio in rural areas is increased up to 15-20 per cent. If you don’t want your name on the list then read till the end to reveal some relevant facts and information about high-cholesterol levels which can affect every area of your body.

What is cholesterol?

Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is termed as the lipid that your liver produces naturally. It’s a vital substance that is relevant for the formation of certain hormones, cell membranes, and vitamin D. Cholesterol is insoluble in water, hence it can’t travel with your blood on it’s own, for transportation your liver produces lipoproteins. Lipoproteins are a carrier of cholesterol and triglycerides which are made from protein and fat.

What is high cholesterol? 

High cholesterol level can be termed as the accumulation of fat in your blood vessels which interferes with the blood supply in many parts of your body. Sometimes, these deposits break suddenly and turn into a clot which can cause a heart attack or stroke. If you’re at higher risk of having high cholesterol if you have a long family history of high cholesterol in your bloodline. High cholesterol can be inherited which can transform from a parent to a child.

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

There are no symptoms of high cholesterol, it can be only diagnosed during any emergency event like- severe chest pain, heart attack, and stroke. If you’re above 45, you need to monitor your cholesterol level through a timely blood test.

When to see a doctor

Consult your doctor to know if there’s any need of having a high cholesterol test for you. Children and young adults with no threat factors for heart disease are mostly tested once between the ages of 9 and 11 and again between the ages of 17 and 19. If you’re feeling severe chest pain or have gained weight then you need to get your lab reports to prevent the budding threat in time.

What causes high cholesterol levels? 

There are some common environmental and medical factors that can give a spike to your cholesterol level. Here we’ve listed some causes which may include the following-

  • An unhealthy diet that involves- high sodium foods, spicy food, and foods full of artificial preservatives and chemicals increase your cholesterol level
  • Smoking or second-hand smoking can increase your cholesterol level due to a chemical called acrolein, found in cigarettes prevents the supply of good cholesterol (HDL) from fatty deposits to the liver, eventually leads to narrowing of the arteries
  • If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes
  • If you have a long family history of stroke or heart disease

Ayurvedic treatment for high cholesterol level? 

Research claims that the complexity of some potent and domestic herbs which are used in ayurvedic treatment may anchor down your high cholesterol level back to its stable position. There are certain herbs in Ayurveda like Terminalia and Terminalia which are undeniably effective in treating high cholesterol levels. The Ayurvedic treatment for high cholesterol is a precise blend of several herbs which are intended to work on the primary drivers which are responsible for giving a spike to your cholesterol level. Unlike other treatment medication that jumps directly to cure the symptoms, Ayurveda plans to work on the root cause of the problem to give permanent relief.

High cholesterol levels can occur due to the disruption caused in the dosha ( Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), ayurvedic treatments are intended to bring balance to the disrupted dosha through a holistic way of treatment.