Angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a chest pain that occurs due to low blood flow to the heart. Angina is a common symptom of coronary artery disease. Angina pectoris is commonly termed as Angina that often creates complications such as feeling squeezing, pressure, pain, or tightness in your chest. People suffering from Angina pectoris have experienced severe squeezing on the chest or a heavyweight plate lying on their chest. This problem can be cured with routine medications but can worsen if overlooked or not treated in time.

Angina is also termed as Angina pectoris, which is a severe health condition. This problem occurs when your heart isn’t getting enough blood for it’s functioning. Angina also feels like a heart attack, that starts with a squeezing or feeling pressure on the chest.

It’s a symptom of heart disease and occurs during artery obstruction. It’s a condition when something is hindering the flow of blood in arteries.

WIth some temporary fixes and modifications in your lifestyle, this problem can be controlled. But, if not controlled, it can also lead you to have surgery. During a severe condition, a person may need to have a stent (a tiny tube that open arteries)

Angina is categorized into four different types, that include the following-

Stable Angina 

This is most commonly reported. Stable Angina occurs due to low physical activity and stress. It’s a mild health condition that feels like a heart attack but goes away when you rest. Stable Angina is not a disease but a potential threat of having a heart attack. Consult your doctor if this happens to you.

Unstable Angina 

This can be triggered when you’re not very active or at rest. The pain can be severe and last long for a few minutes and can hit you frequently at the same pace. It’s a red alarm that shows you’re about to have a heart attack. So, if you ever had one, see your doctor immediately.

Microvascular Angina

This problem is more commonly reported in women. You may experience chest pain with no artery blockage. Instead, it occurs because your small blood vessels (arteries) aren’t working as they should, which results in low blood flow to your heart. The intensity of chest pain lasts more than 10 minutes.

Prinzmetal’s Angina

This type is rarely reported. This problem usually occurs at night when you’re sleeping or resting. This can cause severe pain, and you should get prompt medication to extinguish the potential threat in time.

What are the symptoms of Angina pectoris? 

Apart from having squeezing, burning, fullness, or feeling pain; there are also some other symptoms that you may experience are the following-

  • Nausea
  • Excessive sweating
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Having trouble while breathing

If you experience more than one of the following symptoms in you, get your lab reports as much as possible or talk to your doctor to get it evaluated immediately.

What are the risk factors? 

There are more than one factors that can keep you at higher risk of getting coronary artery disease and Angina:

Tobacco use 

Chewing or smoking tobacco ( cigar, bidi or cigarettes) or even more prolonged exposure to passive smoking can damage the arteries’ internal walls, including arteries connected to your heart. Tobacco allows the accumulation of cholesterol deposits to get layered on your internal artery walls and block blood flow.


People who have diabetes are at higher risk of having coronary artery disease, resulting in Angina and heart attack by giving pace to your cholesterol levels.

High blood 

This problem can also cause high blood pressure if not treated or diagnosed in time. High blood pressure can damage your small blood vessels by hardening the walls of arteries.

Old age factor 

Men who are older than 45 years old and women who are above 55 years of age are at higher risk of getting this problem.

Lack of exercise 

You’re more likely to have this problem if you’re not prioritizing your health. This problem gets its grip during low physical activities. It’s imperative to have a sensible eating routine with regular exercise.

Ayurveda is the solution! 

Ayurveda is also termed as the science of life that focuses on bringing balance to your life by bringing balance to your subconscious. In the present-day conditions, people are more induced towards unhealthy eating that makes them prone to have many health-related problems. Ayurveda uses natural relaxation techniques and undeniably good detoxification programs that foster healthy and natural recovery. Ayurvedic medicines make use of natural herbs that are embedded with a special curing ability that stimulates and strengthens your natural defenses to fight back the disease naturally without the ingestion of allopathic medicines. Ayurvedic medicines detect and eliminate the primary drivers of the problem instead of just curing the symptoms. Unlike allopathic medication, Ayurveda has undeniably useful preventive tools and therapies that can determine and predict the type of diseases you’re afflicted with. Apart from being the best healing system, Ayurveda is also good in flushing out your body from chemical toxins, pollutants, and other contaminants that build up inside your body timely. With some simple ayurvedic remedies, you can bring your body back to its stable state.