This Ayurvedic Medicine Can Treat Vitiligo Completely

Vitiligo is a long withstanding condition in which the loss of skin color grows in patches. The discolored areas can develop on any part of the body, or it may affect your hair texture as well. The condition is photosensitive, which means the areas that are affected are more sensitive to sunlight than those that are not. In some individuals, vitiligo can occur inside the mouth as well.

It is the melanin that determines the color of our hair and skin. But during vitiligo, the cells that generate melanin either die or stop functioning. Vitiligo affects people of all skin types but prominently it can be seen in those with a darker skin shade. Vitiligo treatment in ayurveda is possible with medicine provided in the meantime. Small white spots on skin determine the early sign of disease which can be taken care with ayurvedic treatment. Though, vitiligo is not life-threatening or contagious but it can be stressful or lowers self-esteem in many. Globally, it appears to affect between 0.5 and 2 percent of people.

Fast facts on vitiligo-

  1. Vitiligo can affect people of any age or gender.
  2. There is no exact cause known yet. Most doctors classify it to be an autoimmune disorder or disease caused by a virus.
  3. It is not contagious.
  4. There is no cure for vitiligo in allopathy, but the best ayurvedic medicine for vitiligo can help dispel the condition.

Symptoms –

The symptoms start to appear before the age of 30. Vitiligo signs or symptoms include: –

  • Patchy loss of skin color. Such patches usually appear on the hands, face, and areas around the genitals.
  • Graying of hair. Premature whitening of the hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, or beard.
  • Loss of color in the tissues. The tissues that line the inside of the mouth and nose.

Depending on the vitiligo and its types, the affected area may vary. It may develop: –

  1. On nearly all skin – It is known as universal vitiligo. The patches of discolored skin can be seen on all surfaces.
  2. Many parts of the body – It is known as generalized vitiligo. The discolored patches often affect corresponding body parts, i.e., symmetrically.
  3. A few areas of the body – The vitiligo appears in just one or a couple of spots on the body.
  4. Only one side of the body – Also known as segmental vitiligo, this form of vitiligo affects one part of the body mainly and tends to progress for one or two years and stop suddenly.
  5. The face and hands – This form of vitiligo affects the skin on the face and hands and around the eyes, ears, and nose.

It is difficult to know how vitiligo will progress. Sometimes the patches go on their own, or perhaps they may need critical treatment. Occasionally, the skin gets its color back. And by taking an ayurvedic medicine for white spots on skin, the disease can be controlled naturally. Seeing a doctor soon is recommended.

When to see the doctor

Visit your doctor if areas around the skin, hair, or nose have lost their color. After diagnosis, your doctor may help slow down the skin discoloration and return some color to your skin by giving ayurvedic medicine for vitiligo.

Causes –

Vitiligo occurs when pigment producing cells die or stop functioning as they are supposed to. Melanin is a pigment that gives color to your skin and hair. The area that has patches on them becomes white or light – colored. The cause related to the failure or death of the melanin is not known yet. Perhaps, it may be associated with:-

  • A disorder of the immune system (an autoimmune condition)
  • Family history
  • Stress, severe sunburn, or skin trauma, such as contact with a chemical, may also cause vitiligo.

Complications –

Vitiligo does not cause multiple other diseases, but if you have this condition you are more likely to experience or witness:

  1. Painful sunburn
  2. Hearing loss
  3. Changes to vision and tear production

In a person with vitiligo, other autoimmune disorders like thyroid, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, pernicious anemia, etc are quite common. Most people with vitiligo may not have these conditions, but tests can help diagnose them out.

Diagnosis –

Doctors diagnose vitiligo by examining the white patches on the skin and your medical history. Ultraviolet light is also helpful in identifying pigment loss. Such tests are conducted on people with fairer skin where the skin color can be subtler.

Some dermatologists will want to do an additional examination of the skin. Your doctor may want you to go for a skin biopsy, which detects whether melanocytes are present in the skin. The absence of melanocytes signifies you have vitiligo.

The blood test will help to know if you have an autoimmune disease or not.

Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo-

In Ayurveda, vitiligo is referred to as Shwetakushta or Switra or Kailasa and classified into Kushta rogas ( skin diseases ). It is caused by the aggravation of all the three doshas ( Vata, Pitta & Kapha ) vitiating Rakta, Mamsa, and Medhas Dhatus.

Shwetakushta is broadly classified into two types: –

  1. Daruna – When tri doshas aggravate the rakta dhatu, patches appear to be red in color.
  2. Aruna – When doshas aggravate the mamsa dhatu (muscle tissue), patches appear to be copper in color.
  3. Kilasa – When doshas aggravate the medho dhatu (fat tissue), the patches are more white.

The disease needs a definite treatment that includes the right food and herbal medicines to pacify Pitta and cleanse toxins like ama from the body. This is how the white or red patches disappear slowly over time with the best ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo disease.