Sarcoidosis Treatment in Ayurveda

Apply Ayurveda Treatment and Medicine for Sarcoidosis

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease that affects multiple organs in the body, but mostly the lungs and lymph glands. In people with sarcoidosis, abnormal masses or nodules (called granulomas) consisting of inflamed tissues form in certain organs of the body. These granulomas may alter the normal structure and possibly the function of the affected organ(s).

Sarcoidosis is an anti-inflammatory condition affected by the growth of anti-inflammatory cells within multiple organs in the body. Most importantly, these collections of cells appear in the lungs and lymph nodes, though damage can be on the eyes, skin, heart, and other organs as well. These nodules may inflame and alter the normal functioning of the organs.

Researchers are not sure of what causes the abnormal growth of nodules, but mostly it is imputed to the body’s immune system at fault. The cause of this could be chemicals, dust, infectious agents, and an abnormal reaction to the body’s own proteins also leads to sarcoidosis.

Yes, you can do well even without the treatment if there is mild to moderate damage to the important organs. Sarcoidosis may go on its own, but in some cases, it may require immediate medical intervention if the damage is severe.


The signs and symptoms of sarcoidosis may vary depending upon the organ which is affected. It does not develop all of a sudden rather progressively leads to inflammation in the concerned organ.

Not all people with sarcoidosis need to experience signs. Perhaps, no sign could be present initially, so the only way to confirm oneself of the sarcoidosis is to get it diagnosed with the help of diagnostic tests.

Still, some of the generalized symptoms that can appear are as follow:

  • Fatigue
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Weight loss
  • Persistent dry cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Chest pain
  • Pain and swelling in joints, such as the ankles
  • Tender reddish bumps or patches on the skin
  • Red and teary eyes
  • Blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Swollen and painful joints
  • Enlarged and tender lymph glands in the neck, armpits, and groin
  • Increased size of the lymph glands in the chest
  • Hoarse voice
  • Darker or lighter skin color
  • Pain in the hands, feet, or other bony areas due to the formation of cysts
  • Kidney stone formation
  • Enlarged liver
  • Development of abnormal heartbeats (arrhythmias)\
  • Inflammation of the covering of the heart (pericarditis)
  • Heart failure
  • Nervous system malfunctioning, including hearing loss, meningitis, seizures, or psychiatric disorders (for example, dementia, depression, psychosis)

Sarcoidosis impacts your metabolism, nervous system, liver, muscles, bones, lymph nodes, kidneys, joints, among many organs.

When to see a doctor

See your doctor if you have signs and symptoms of sarcoidosis.


Doctors don’t know what causes sarcoidosis. Some people do have a genetic predisposition to be affected by the disease. It may be caused by bacteria, viruses, dust, or chemicals. Such reactions can interfere with the working of the immune system, and as a result, the immune cells begin to collect in a pattern of inflammation called granulomas. This inflammation leads to the impaired working of the damaged organ.

Risk factors

The factors that are responsible for the development of sarcoidosis include: 

  • Age and sex. Sarcoidosis can affect the individual of any age, but mostly it develops between the ages of 20 and 60. Women are likely to develop sarcoidosis than men do.
  • Family history. If you have a first-degree relative in your family who has had sarcoidosis, you’re more likely to develop the disease.


Sarcoidosis causes long-term problems in the body, such as:

  • If you do not treat pulmonary sarcoidosis on time, it may permanently lead to scarring of the tissues in the lungs. Over time, a person cannot breathe properly and develop pulmonary hypertension.
  • Inflammation can also affect your eyes and the parts of them, such as the retina. The result could be as serious as losing complete vision. In very few cases, it can also cause cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Sarcoidosis can affect how our body deals with calcium. In response to this, one can have kidney stones.
  • Nervous system. Problems related to the central nervous system can also be conducted by sarcoidosis when granulomas develop in the brain and the spinal cord. If the inflammation develops in the facial nerves, rarely it causes facial paralysis.
  • Cardiac sarcoidosis results in granulomas in the heart and causes irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias). Abnormal heart rate may also lead to death in certain cases.

Diagnostic tests

There is no single way to diagnose sarcoidosis as major organs are involved in the occurrence of the disease. For this, the doctor will read your medical history and do an examination to diagnose you for sarcoidosis.

Some of the tests include:

  • Chest X-rays to look for pulmonary infiltration or swollen lymph nodes.
  • Bronchoscopy inspects the bronchial tubes. Bronchoscopy is done by passing a small tube (bronchoscope) down the trachea (windpipe) and into the bronchial tubes (airways) of the lungs.
  • A lung biopsy to look for granulomas and to diagnose any infection.
  • HRCT scan (high-resolution CT) to get a detailed look at the lungs.
  • Pulmonary function (breathing) tests to measure how well the lungs are working.

Ayurvedic treatment

In Ayurveda, sarcoidosis is treated by taking ayurvedic herbs. Herbs are very helpful in curing the inflammation in the various organs that got affected. In addition to this, diet is also focused upon, which can reduce inflammation. You are restricted to green, leafy vegetables and foods that possess astringent tastes. To get the most of the treatment, you shall reduce spicy food, alcohol, fried foods, etc.

Ayurvedic treatment for Autoimmune disease

Rely on yoga to boost your immunity. Practice pranayama, cobra pose, fish pose, and meditation, which are very helpful in the management of sarcoidosis.