Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

How Does Ayurvedic Treatment Help To Manage Multiple Sclerosis?

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disorder of the brain, spinal cord, central nervous system, and optic nerves. Since the central nervous system is affected the most, a person may witness a panoply of morbidities throughout the body.

In Multiple sclerosis, the immune system damages the protective shield on nerve fibres and leads to faulty communication between your brain and the rest of the body. The consequences can be deadly, as the nerves in your body get damaged permanently in most cases. The multiple sclerosis treatment in Ayurveda deeply work on curing the disease with natural methods and reduce the damage multiple sclerosis can cause on the nervous system.

The signs and symptoms of multiple sclerosis may depend on the severity of the damage to the nerves and the area affected. If it affects the brain and your legs, an individual may lose their ability to walk or walk independently. Sometimes, MS can depict remission without any existence of new symptoms.

Allopathy may not suggest any cure for multiple sclerosis. However, treatments in Ayurveda for multiple sclerosis can help attain speedy recovery with improvement in overall health. It is still known that how multiple sclerosis (MS) will progress in any individual, but it is believed to be an autoimmune disorder that affects the nervous system in the first place.

What are the types of Multiple Sclerosis?

Basically, there are four types of MS –

Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS): – This form of MS is an occurrence of the symptoms that may last for 24 hours. If another time, symptoms develop later, the doctor calls it relapse-remitting MS.

Relapse-remitting MS (RRMS): – This is a common form of MS influencing the lives of around 85% of people with MS. In RRMS, the symptoms may go on increasing or progressing, followed by periods of remission, during which symptoms may go completely or partially.

Secondary progressive MS (SPMS) – This is the next stage for patients suffering from relapsing-remitting MS. The intensity of the disease can increase with the change in the type of MS, and the neurological condition of the patient is worsened with time. Initially, people will experience relapse or remission, but even then, the condition may progress rapidly.

What signs represent multiple sclerosis?

As MS affects the central nervous system, you may have signed in different parts of the body. These may include: –

  • Muscle weakness: – Muscle stimulation due to nerve damage may cause weakness in the muscles.
  • Numbness and tingling: – It is a sensation on your face, arms, legs, and other areas.
  • Bladder problems: Difficulty emptying the bladder or frequent urination (urge incontinence) can point to MS. Losing control over the bladder also indicates MS.
  • Bowel problems: -Inability to empty your bowel can cause facial impaction.
  • Lhermitte’s sign: – Sensational or feeling electric shock when you move your neck indicates MS. It is called Lhermitte’s sign.
  • Vertigo: – Problems related to the balance or off-balance. It is a common problem in people with MS.
  • Fatigue: – Feeling low in energy to function properly. Fatigue is a nonspecific symptom generally misconceived with other issues.
  • Sexual dysfunction: – Losing interest in sexual desire in both males and females.
  • Muscle spasm: – It is an early sign of occurring due to damaged nerves in the spinal cord and brain.
  • Tremor: – Tremor is common in people with MS and is often characterized by shaking movements in one or several parts of the body.
  • Vision problems: – It is common to experience blurred vision or total loss of vision, or red-green Color distortion due to MS. Inflammation of the nerves can result in eye pain when your eyeball moves. Vision is partially or wholly sick at this time.
  • Mobility issues: – Damage to the nervous system can affect mobility because of vertigo, fatigue, tremors, dizziness, etc.
  • Emotional changes and depression: – Nerve-fiber damage can bring emotions and chaos to your mind.
  • Learning and memory problems: – Nerve damage is also responsible for the difficulties in memory concentration, learning, and multi-tasking.
  • Ayurvedic treatment for Multiple Sclerosis point out different symptoms and treat them likely.

Less common symptoms of MS include: –

  • headache or pain in different areas of the body
  • hearing loss
  • speech disorders
  • itching
  • swallowing problems
  • respiratory or breathing problems
  • seizures
  • urinary tract infections

MS affects people differently. For some, it impacts their social and personal life, while for others, it may seem like a subtle sensation. Symptoms go and come, thereby worsening rapidly. In the later stages, people may experience poor concentration and feel sensitivity to heat.

Overall, people may have mild symptoms that may go significant with the advancement in the disease. However, most people will experience times when symptoms are remiss. This is the time when Ayurveda naturally cure the disease of multiple sclerosis without imposing other harmful advancements on the body.

How to Diagnose multiple sclerosis?

MS is diagnosed with the help of physical and neurological examinations. The doctor will ask about the signs you are facing to check if they relate to MS or not.

Several tests are used along the way, such as: –

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: – Using a dye with magnetic resonance imaging, active and inactive lesions in your brain and spinal cord are detected.
  2. Optical coherence tomography (OCT): – It is done to detect the nerve layers in the back portion of the eyes. If the optic nerves are thinned, it signifies damage.
  3. Spinal tap (lumbar puncture): – Any changes in our spinal fluid are detected with the help of a spinal top. The tests can help diagnose any infectious diseases or oligoclonal bands (OCBs).
  4. Blood tests: Blood tests are done to configure other signs of MS.
  5. VEP or visual evoked potential tests: The test is done to analyse electrical activity in our brain.

Here is no cure for MS, but treatment is available that can: –

Some people also use complementary and alternative therapies, but research does not always confirm the usefulness of these.

Ayurvedic treatment for multiple sclerosis –

There is no cure for MS in allopathy, but ayurvedic medicines for multiple sclerosis do provide relief in slowing down the progression and reducing relapses’ severity. Ayurvedic medicines have therapies that improve brain and spinal cord functioning. The treatment focuses on the elimination of toxins and restoring digestion fire with herbs and spices only. In addition to this, herbal medicines also rejuvenate the function of the nervous system.