How is Ayurvedic Treatment Helpful For Healing An Autoimmune Celiac Disease?

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder that is caused when you consume a gluten – rich diet. Gluten is a protein in Wheat, Barley, and Rey that makes the dough elastic and gives bread its rubbered texture.

If you are going through celiac disease and still consume a gluten-rich diet, your body may start to intertwine with the protein. As a result, the protein starts to damage the villi, finger-like projections that expand into the lumen of the small intestine. In such cases, the small intestines are not able to function properly and absorb nutrients from the food. with time, it can lead to malnourishment, as well as the loss of bone density, infertility, miscarriage, cancers, and some neurological disorders. Celiac disease treatment in Ayurveda keeps control of these problems and treating the damage in the body.

Most people with celiac disease do not even know they have it. This is because the damage to the intestine is slow, and the signs are different in individuals for them to understand.

According to allopathy, there is no proper cure for celiac disease, but following a restricted gluten-free diet and taking an ayurvedic treatment for celiac disease will help manage the signs and boost immunity.

Gluten is found in numerous food, including: –

  1. pasta
  2. cereals
  3. most types of bread
  4. cakes
  5. certain types of sauces
  6. ready to cook meals
  7. most beers

Nevertheless, celiac disease is not similar to gluten sensitivity. People with gluten sensitivity may have some of the same signs, but they do not have any immune system damage to affect the small intestine. Natural treatment for Celiac disease in Ayurveda works on building immunity and curing the abnormal defect in the immune system.

Signs and symptoms –

The signs of celiac disease can vary significantly among different children and adults.

In adults, if celiac disease happens, it can cause the following signs:-

  • Pain in the abdominal area
  • Anemia
  • Bloating
  • Bone or joint pain
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn
  • Gas
  • Diarrhea
  • Itchy, blistery rash
  • Fatigue
  • Mouth ulcers
  • Nausea
  • Numb or tingling hands or feet
  • Problems in maintaining a balance, or changes in awareness
  • Poop that smells
  • Weight loss

Some of the signs that can be appeared in children may include:-

  • Bloating or belly swelling
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Pale, foul-smelling poop
  • Upset stomach or vomiting
  • Weight loss
  • Growth failure due to the immune system attacking the body

Celiac Disease Causes and Risk Factors –

There is no cause of celiac disease known to date. It is also known to have run in the family lines and linked to a specific type of gene. However, Ayurvedic cure for celiac disease is working on finding the core reason behind the autoimmune disease. Stress sometimes triggers a viral infection that can damage the immune system and its response. Other causes include injury, surgery, or pregnancy. If anyone from your family had celiac disease as a first-degree relative, there is a high chance you may have celiac disease later.

Other causes may include: –

    1. Autoimmune hepatitis
    2. Type 1 diabetes
    3. Rheumatoid arthritis
    4. Multiple sclerosis (MS)
    5. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
    6. Addison’s disease
    7. Turner syndrome (it is a condition where a female is missing an X chromosome)
    8. Sjogren’s syndrome
    9. Idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
    10. IgA nephropathy
    11. Lupus
    12. Scleroderma
    13. Down syndrome
    14. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    15. Chronic pancreatitis
    16. Intestinal lymphoma
    17. Psoriasis
    18. Intestinal cancer
    19. Primary biliary cirrhosis
    20. Lactose intolerance
    21. Williams syndrome

Celiac Disease Complications –

Celiac may turn life-threatening if you do not get the treatment right away by the best natural cure for Celiac disease. Complications of celiac disease may include: –

  • Infertility and miscarriage
  • Lactose intolerance
  • Malnutrition
  • Cancer, which may include small bowel cancer and intestinal lymphoma
  • Weak bones
  • Seizures
  • Pancreatic disease
  • Pain and numbness in the hands, ankles, and feet

Celiac disease treatment in Ayurveda keeps special attention on complications, causes, and risk factors of developing the disease. Having detailed information about the patient’s condition makes it easy to balance the immune system naturally.

Diagnosis –

  1. Doctors do simple blood tests and other tests to help diagnose celiac disease.
  2. Serology tests to look for antibodies.
  3. Blood tests.
  4. Intestinal fatty acid-binding protein tests tell if there’s damage to the small intestine.
  5. Vitamin D, folate and B12 tests look for vitamin deficiencies.
  6. A complete blood count or CBC
  7. C-reactive protein tests show if there’s inflammation.
  8. Iron and ferritin tests will examine if you have an iron deficiency.
  9. Genetic testing looks for human leukocyte antigens.
  10. Imaging tests to diagnose the damage to the villi.
  11. Liver and kidney function test.

The doctor may ask you to leave a gluten-free diet because you can be diagnosed with an antibody test to make sure the results are correct. If the test signifies you have celiac disease, you need to have an endoscopy done. With the help of an endoscopy, the doctor takes out a small tissue from the small tissue to examine it for any damage.

Sometimes people with celiac disease will have rashes on their skin. So, your doctor might ask for the sample skin tissue to know the celiac disease.

Ayurvedic treatment –

Celiac disease is an autoimmune ailment, which means if you have a problem with your immune system that triggers white blood cells to attack its own tissue. Over time, they start to attack the lining of the small intestine and villi.

If we talk about ayurvedic treatment of celiac disease, the condition is caused by weak immunity and digestion problems. The digestive system is sensitive at this time and becomes a reactant to some of the foods. Medicinal herbs are used in ayurvedic medicine for celiac disease to help balance the immune system and treat the damage to the villi. Avoiding gluten will help do the needful, and the good thing is that you can start with the gluten diet once your ayurvedic treatment ends.